My Rageful Memoirs – circa 1988

My Rageful Memoirs – circa 1988

Posted on February 24, 2023 at 9:47 pm

Between ages fourteen and fifteen, I started to question everything and everyone. I questioned God, religion, school, government, society, and every adult, including my family. Of course, questioning familial adults was a problem often followed by disciplinary abuse. But I […]

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My Rageful Memoirs — circa 1976

Posted on December 14, 2022 at 7:03 am

My parent’s rage killed them — part 1. My mother was a rageful jealous young woman. She got pregnant when she was eighteen. Since she was Catholic, it was inconceivable to have an abortion. So, she and my father rushed […]

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My Rageful Memoirs – circa 1985

Posted on October 8, 2022 at 11:01 pm

One of my beliefs about anger was imprinted into my body when I was around eleven or twelve years old.  My maternal grandmother, Mama, raised me.  She was tough, mean, loving, strict, caring, stressed, abusive, worried, sick, depressed, and rageful.  […]

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