Are you taking on more household responsibilities for your partner to try to make him happy?

If so, you decide to add these chores to your endless to-do list: cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping.

You’re hoping that by doing more for him, you’ll make his life easier so that he’ll be happy.

You also believe it’s your duty and responsibility to support him and make him happy.  

Painfully, your hard work goes unnoticed because your beloved isn’t happy.  

You’re exhausted because you don’t know what more you can do to support him.

What’s worse, you’ve realized that you don’t want to be taking on these extra chores.

Suddenly, you’re resentful for working so hard, trying to make him happy.  

You’re mad for doing these things for him that aren’t working or helping.  

You’re fucking done, but you don’t know what to do.

You’re not even sure how to approach him and talk about what’s going on.

Since he’s unhappy, you’re afraid to ask him why and how you can support him. 

And, you don’t want to take your anger out on him, potentially making him more unhappy. 

So, you hold it in.

At this point, you’re feeling hopeless, perplexed, and ready to give up.  

But you keep cooking while your resentment and anger fester.  


I feel you.

I often cooked for my beloved when I was tired or thought I should or assumed he expected me to cook.

My truth: I didn’t want to be doing most of the cooking to try to make him happy.

And here’s the bummer, he didn’t ask me to cook more. 

But, I believed my boxed-in role was to make him happy.

I was putting pressure on myself to do more for him while trying to care for my needs, build my business, and tend to my life.  

Doing these extra things for him left me feeling overworked, depleted, resentful, and full of rage!

I just couldn’t take it anymore and needed to release this wild rage from my body to shift what was going on.    

So, I worked through The Anger Algorithm to release my rage and understand why I was cooking more to make him happy.  

First, I realized it wasn’t my job to make him happy.  

But then, I also discovered that I wanted him to be happy because if he was happy, then I was happy.


I was waiting for him to change so I could change.

I was giving away my power. 

Fuck that!

I wanted to take back my power.  

After working through the algorithm and releasing my pent-up resentment and rage, I knew what to say powerfully, and he started cooking more! 

And guess what, I want to share The Anger Algorithm with you.

If you’re a woman in a relationship who’s doing too much and resenting it, I want to offer you the algorithm to release the angry, resentful feelings that you’re carrying so you can:

  • Free up your time for the things you want to do for yourself and 
  • Get clear on what you want to powerfully, concisely, and lovingly say to your partner.  

I have 5 spots available for women who want to learn more about The Anger Algorithm.

Click here to set up a time to talk about how The Anger Algorithm can help you.

Instead of waiting for him to be happy, work through The Anger Algorithm to clarify what you want, so YOU are happy.

Schedule your call with me today to map out the algorithm.

To your peace, freedom & healing!



Anger & Communication Coach

San Francisco, CA

Become an empowered communicator.