Is this familiar? 

You painfully took your anger out on your dog because your partner pissed you off.

You’re angry with your partner, but you’re not telling him that you’re mad.

You sincerely believe it’s not safe to say that you’re angry because you know you’ll end up arguing and fighting.

So, you end up taking your anger out on your poor dog because it’s safe.

Your dog can’t talk back, can’t yell at you, can’t argue with you, can’t disagree with you.

Your dog won’t say, “Hey, don’t take your anger out on me!”  

Even though your dog is frightened and confused, you know that your dog won’t take away its love for you.

Instead, your fantastic creature continues to offer unconditional love, takes your anger, and stays devoted to you.  

But the guilt and shame you feel for taking your anger out on your dog are unbearable.  

You feel terrible about yourself, berate yourself, and wonder what the hell is wrong with you.  

Why can’t you feel angry with your partner?  

It’s too fucking risky. Period.  

If you tell your partner that you’re angry with him, you’re terrified that he will get defensive and shut down.

And you don’t trust that you’ll both work through what it is that’s making you angry.  

You’re scared you’ll end up leaving things worse off than before without a solution.   


I had a client who vulnerably told me that she regretfully treated her dog harshly when she was mad at her beloved. 

She noticed that she would unnecessarily and aggressively pull her dog’s leash.  

It took a lot of courage for my client to admit that this was the only way she knew how to release her angry feelings.

This realization left her feeling heartbroken for being mean to her innocent creature, who brings her so much love. 

She had to stop taking her anger out on her dog. 

It was time to express anger differently so she could, instead, talk to her partner about what was making her mad.

In our work, my client used The Anger Algorithm to release the bottled-up anger she was holding.  

And she stopped taking her anger out on her dog! 

My client finally had a solution to healthily and consciously express angry feelings.  

She had permission to release and express anger without hurting herself, her partner, or her dog.  

Working through the algorithm helped her clarify what was underneath her anger.

Now, she could have an essential and empowered conversation with her beloved.  

The algorithm turned her anger around, her conversations with her partner around, and her relationship around.

If you’re ready to release the anger you’re feeling towards your partner, so you’re not taking it out on your dog, I would love to map out The Anger Algorithm for you. Β 

Click hereΒ to schedule time to map out the algorithm. Β 

If you’re ready to turn your relationship around, so you’re talking instead of arguing and fighting,Β click hereΒ to schedule a time to talk.

To Your Peace, Freedom & Healing!


Anger & Communication Coach

San Francisco, CA

Become an empowered communicator.