I will coach you on how to: speak with confidence and to listen with presence, express your values and feelings from a grounded and centered place, communicate what you want and need in relationships, communicate when in conflict to come to an understanding, transform your anger/rage so that you can courageously communicate, and to be aware of body language when communicating.
You are invested in resolving conflict with your friend, colleague, partner, or family member and want to constructively and restoratively engage. When I mediate, I model empowered communication and guide both of you to hear, see, and understand each other. This opens up a creative space for both of you to begin thinking about what needs to change in order to make the relationship work. These 2-3 hour sessions are held at my San Francisco office with follow-ups as needed.
After listening to your organization’s concerns and needs, I will design and facilitate a training that is congruent with your organization’s values. My trainings are trainee-centered, engaging, and interactive. Here are a few that I offer:
© 2018 The Empowered Communicator. Vanessa Alfaro. Communication Coach & Mediator. All Rights Reserved. Website: CodePineHills